Rancho Palos Verdes

City of Rancho Palos Verdes

30940 Hawthorne Boulevard
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275

Phone: 310-544-5200

Email: RPV@pvpready.gov


County Contract Public Safety Services

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department

  • Lomita Sheriff’s Station: 26123 Narbonne Ave, Lomita CA 90717
  • Public Phone Number (non-911 calls): (310) 539-1661

Los Angeles County Fire Department

Los Angeles County Fire Department – Station 53

    • 6124 Palos Verdes Dr. S., Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
    • Public Phone Number (non-911 calls): (310) 377-3333

Los Angeles County Fire Department – Station 83

  • 83 Miraleste Plaza, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
  • Public Phone Number (non-911 calls): (310) 831-4624

City Emergency Alerting Information

  • Sign up for Alert SouthBay’s emergency notifications by texting “alertsb” to 888-777, visiting alertsouthbay.com, or downloading the Everbridge app.
  • Be sure to also follow the City of RPV on social media and get City news in your email inbox by subscribing to the Breaking News listserv at: rpvca.gov/emergency
  • Connect with the City from your phone or tablet! Download MyRPV for your iOS or Android device from the App Store or Google Play by searching “MyRPV”
Download MyRPV

RPV Public Safety Webpage 

  • For additional information about emergency preparedness in the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, residents can visit rpvca.gov/notify or contact Luna Mohammad, RPV Emergency Management Coordinator at [email protected].

    Home Fire Insurance Information and Resources Webpage

    •  The City of Rancho Palos Verdes has a dedicated fire insurance resources webpage page on the City’s website. Residents can access a centralized location of information and resources on home fire insurance premium hikes and reduced availability at: rpvca.gov/fireinsurance
    • If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact:

      Luna Mohammad
      Emergency Management Coordinator
      [email protected]
      Work: (310) 544-5209
      Cell: (310) 923-3282

    Monthly Disaster Preparedness Messaging – Courtesy of the RPV  EPC

    To ensure your family’s and loved ones’ safety during an emergency, the City of Rancho Palos Verdes Emergency Preparedness Committee continues to send residents monthly email messages with emergency preparedness information and educational materials. 

    To receive the committee’s monthly messaging, be sure to sign up for the “Emergency Notifications” city listserv at rpvca.gov/notify.

    RPV  EPC

    Wildfire Detection Cameras – Coming Soon

    On October 18, 2022, the RPV City Council approved a five-year agreement with Pano AI to install a network of high-mounted cameras in the City that will be monitored 24/7 to detect wildfire smoke across the Peninsula so first responders can be alerted to a brush fire as early as possible.   

    Pano AI cameras scan a 15-mile-plus radius from a high vantage point to detect, evaluate, and report on wildfire activity. The cutting-edge technology of wildfire cameras assess weather conditions with alerts that provide up-to-date time-lapse imagery and quickly disseminates information about a fire’s location and movement. Wildfire cameras will be online in the coming months. 

     Additional information about the wildfire detection camera system can be found below:

    Wildfire Detection Cameras